Saturday, August 20, 2011

My Testimony

I heard arguments between my parents.  I then never wanted to marry.  I never really cared about anything but myself.  I liked heavy metal when I was a teenager, and only looked at women as sex objects.

I then got into Wicca, and that belief system taught me to respect women.  I was only a solitary then, but I watched Captian Planet, and that taught me to care about the planet.  I went to the Central America anti-intervention protests in the 1990's.  I got involved in a coven, and several things changed me.

Then I once took too much LSD at Grateful Dead shows and became mentally ill.  I once had a fearful trip where I was in hell.  When I was comming down off the acid, I later realized I needed to quit LSD, though I still did it.

I ended up in a small town called Enterprise and lived there for ten years, where I met a Native American woman who got me saved.  I did my best with her though she was emotionally needy.  I soon stabbed myself before I accepted Jesus.  Later on I did my best to help Wiccans and Christians understand eachother and care for eachother.  I still had much pent-up anger and had bad fits over cigarettes.  I cried and meditated over it and dealt with it.  Though I listened to heavy metal, I did quit Slayer, a known satanic metal band and I never liked Metalopolis on KUFO.  I still like Megadeth, and beleive they care.  I learned to care for the planet.  I have beleived I was once Anikin Skywalker in a past life, the one who became Darth Vader, and the one who threw the Galactic Emperor down a shaft. (I was pretty good at space-piloting games on computers.  I went back into Wicca for a while, but I do admit I need Jesus.

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